What’s different about us?
If you’re like most law firms, you’ve tried to market your law firm online and it didn’t go so well. You’re not alone. Over 90% of law firms are unhappy with their past digital marketing efforts. Online marketing campaigns fail because they are missing the key components of online marketing success:
- High visibility
- Superior websites
- Conversion Rate Optimization
Why Attorneys Love Working With Us
- We have one goal when taking on a client: Help you generate more leads. We focus on giving your law firm the best online presence in your market. That includes high visibility on online with a focus on Google, superior law firm website designs and a website focused on converting your visitors . We do not have a “starter package”. When we take on a client our goal is to win.
- We have Semi Exclusive Contracts never working with more than 3 attorneys in any one practice area and geography.
- We do not have Long Term Agreements. Our contracts are month to month so you are never locked into a marketing program. If we don’t perform, we would expect you to leave.
By focusing on the three key elements mentioned above, we are able to deliver outstanding results in any market. This is the reason why we have an 87% retention rate. We are so confident in our abilities to get you results that we do not require any long term contracts. Unlike other law firms that try to lock you in to 1 or 2 year contracts, we offer month to month packages because we know a contract is not what will keep you as a long term client. Delivering results will.
To find out how we can help you, fill out the form below or call now at 1-800-753-6997 and ask for Eric.