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What digital sources do consumers use to conduct research on law firms in 2024?

Each year, the team at iLawyer Marketing conducts consumer studies, to find out how people go about researching and finding law firms online. In March and April, we ran a new study that involved 1,050 participants of all demographics from…

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SEO vs Paid Search for Law Firm Marketing in 2024: Which is better?

SEO and Paid Search are both very important marketing options for law firm marketing in 2024. Considering that over 90% of consumers use Google to conduct research when looking for an attorney, it’s where every law firm wants to have…

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Reduce Your Law Firm’s Tax Liability for 2023 and Increase Your Leads with These 9 Digital Marketing Ideas

If you are like most other business owners, you are wanting to reduce the size of your tax payment to Uncle Sam. One of the smartest ways to reduce your tax liability is through digital marketing, especially since it’s an…

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New Study: Top 5 Reasons Why Consumers Leave a Law Firm Website

As part of our regular research into how consumers hire lawyers, we wanted to conduct a new study that looked at ways that law firm’s could increase the number of leads for their practice. The study involved over 1,300 participants…

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How a Better Legal Intake Process Can Increase Revenue for Your Law Firm

You want more leads and more signed cases, right? As experts in law firm marketing, we have always focused our services on helping law firms generate more business by providing next level SEO services, running smarter PPC campaigns, providing great legal…

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