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Reasons Why Visitors are Leaving Your Law Firm’s Website

Most law firms and law firm marketing companies focus only on increasing traffic to their website. While no doubt that’s important, another important question that should be asked is “How many people are leaving my site and going to a…

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Retargeting for Law Firms

You’ve probably heard of retargeting by now but what is it? Retargeting, sometimes referred to as remarketing, lets advertisers serve online ads to visitors who have previously visited their website. You may have noticed this before after visiting a website…

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Google analytics “not provided” – What does it mean and what can you do about it?

There’s been quite a big ruckus in the search community of late over Google’s decision to encrypt all keyword search activity (except for paid ads). What this means is that Google will no longer be providing the organic keyword data…

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Guide to Choosing the Right Company to Handle Your Law Firm Marketing

There are few things more important to the livelihood of a law firm (or any business) than generating new revenue. Whether you are a sole practitioner, small to medium sized firm or a large firm, in order to be profitable…

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Why a Great Website is Absolutely Crucial for Law Firms (who care about profitability)

Why most law firms are losing cases to their competitors Law firms are not exactly known for having incredible, visually stunning websites, are they? Ask any ordinary person what they picture in their head for a law firm website and…

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