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How COVID-19 Impacts Law Firm Marketing

With the COVID-19 outbreak causing serious disruption to businesses of all types in 2020, many law firms are wondering what to do about their current marketing. Of course, no one single answer applies to all. The right answer for you…

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Click Test Study for 2020: Do Consumers Click on Paid Ads or Organic Results When Trying to Find a Lawyer Online?

Many law firms wonder if consumers click on paid ads when searching for lawyers online. From our experience in handling marketing campaigns for law firms for the last 14 years and running research studies in the past, we know that…

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New Study: How Important are Reviews for Law Firms?

It’s no secret that online reviews are important for all businesses these days, and that includes law firms. What may surprise you is just how important reviews are. Here at iLawyerMarketing we regularly conduct consumer testing in order to have a…

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Google Search Console Warning Message for HTTP sites

Did you receive a notice from Google like the message above? If so, you are not alone. Site owners of domains that haven’t yet made the move to HTTPS (also known as HTTP over TLS, or Transport Layer Security) have…

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iLawyer Marketing & Google MTMP Breakout Session

If you are looking to generate more cases for your law firm in 2017, you won’t want to miss this session. We are proud to announce that Sheldon Bernstein of Google will be joining us and leading a breakout session at…

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