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Do you use chat pop ups? Be prepared for a penalty in January 2017

These days it seems the the majority of personal injury lawyer websites are using chat popups to try and engage  (or annoy) website visitors. If you are one of those law firms who uses chat popups on your site, be prepared…

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Are You Fumbling Away Potential Clients Because of Poorly Handled Intakes?

Indulge me in a football analogy if you will: The remaining seconds are ticking off the scoreboard. Your team is down by 5. Through sheer determination and creative game-planning, your offense is executing the two-minute drill like men possessed. For 80…

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Click-Through Test for Personal Injury Attorneys

This past week we conducted a click test to determine where people are clicking in the Google SERPs (search engine results pages) after conducting a search for a personal injury lawyer. As you can see, even with the local results appearing above…

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Study: Despite Explosion in Mobile Traffic, Majority of Attorney Research Done on Desktop

It’s no secret that mobile Internet usage has exploded over the past few years. More than 7 out of every 10 people in the U.S. now use a smartphone. Does this impact how people find lawyers online? We polled over…

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Google Chrome Will Soon Start Labeling Websites as Non-Secure. Should I Move My Website to HTTPS?

This week Google announced that starting in January 2017, their Chrome browser will start marking HTTP sites that transmit passwords or credit cards as non-secure. For a while now, Google has been making an effort to get websites to convert their sites to HTTPS….

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